Endpoint Selection

Running CompARE:

For each composite component, the user is prompted for the anticipation of: the probability of having the event (or an interval in which this probability takes values); the effect relevant to detect (measured either by the odds ratio, risk ratio or risk difference). The correlation between the components is also required.

CompARE computes the ARE method (see Reference 1) so that if the ARE is higher than 1, the use of the composite endpoint (CE) consiting of the union of Endpoint 1 and 2 is recommended as the primary endpoint of the trial. If the ARE is lower than 1, the use of the Endpoint 1 is preferred over the CE as the primary endpoint of the trial.

Input Items:

Output Items:


  1. Selection of composite binary endpoints in clinical trials. M. Bofill Roig, G. Gómez Melis.
    Biometrical Journal, 2018 Mar; 60(2):246-261. doi: 10.1002/bimj.201600229.